In this post we will show you how to profile your Elixir application with perf and visualise its stack trace with Flamegraphs. We’ll create a basic Phoenix web server with two endpoints which we will call in order to profile and analyse its performance.


A Linux machine that can run the perf command


  1. Create a mix release of your application
  2. Run it in daemon mode with JPperf enabled
  3. Pass the application’s process id into perf and record some activity
  4. Visualise the outputted data file with the Flamegraph scripts

Why use Perf?

You might ask: “why should we use the perf tool for profiling Elixir? The BEAM ecosystem has numerous built-in tools for profiling”. And you would be right. The issue with these tools is that they can significantly slow down the program they profile. This might be okay if you want to profile a specific small use case of your program, but in this guide we want to demonstrate a process that works with profiling a production level application.

1. Creating our web server

We’re going to use a Phoenix application as our example for profiling with perf. You can follow what we did step by step below or skip to the next section by simply cloning the server in its final form here.

First we want to initiate our no-thrills Phoenix server (get set up with Phoenix here).

mix slow_server --no-html --no-assets --no-ecto

Now we could stop here and profile this application, but that would be pretty boring. So instead we’re going to add two endpoints:

  1. POST /api/fib → calculates and returns the nth Fibonacci number.

  2. GET /api/desc → Will make a HTTP request of its own and return a description of Elixir.

Firstly, in order to make our HTTP request we are going to use the Req HTTP client library. So add {:req, "~> 0.3.0"} as a dependency in your mix.exs file and mix deps.get

After that we want to edit our router.ex file to include our new endpoints we are going to call:

defmodule SlowServerWeb.Router do
  use SlowServerWeb, :router

  pipeline :api do
    plug :accepts, ["json"]

  scope "/api", SlowServerWeb do
    pipe_through :api

    get "/desc", ApiController, :desc
    post "/fib", ApiController, :fib

Then we want to create our api_controller.ex file that will look something like this:

defmodule SlowServerWeb.ApiController do
  use SlowServerWeb, :controller

  def desc(conn, _params) do
    desc = Req.get!("").body["description"]
    resp(conn, 200, desc)

  def fib(conn, %{"n" => n}) do
    fib = SlowServer.Fibonacci.fib(n)
    resp(conn, 200, Integer.to_string(fib))

We will leave it up to you to implement the Fibonacci function! Try running the server and making requests to the two new endpoints we’ve just created.

2. Getting production ready with mix release

As stated already, our goal is to profile our application as similar to its production state as possible. This way we can hopefully identify any issues that happen in the real world. In order to do that we will be using mix release. This assembles all of our code and the runtime into a single unit.

Firstly we need to run our mix release command with the environment set to production:

MIX_ENV=prod mix release

You should see instructions on how to run the built release. You may need to set a secret key to be used by Phoenix which you can set as such export SECRET_KEY_BASE=1234

Run our application with a command similar to the one below:

_build/prod/rel/slow_server/bin/slow_server start

Now lets test it by calling our endpoints:

➜  ~ curl http://localhost:4000/api/desc
Elixir is a dynamic, functional language \
for building scalable and maintainable applications%

➜  ~ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"n": 6}' \

Great! Now let’s actually profile our application.

3. Finally profiling

In order to profile our application we need to pass in a specific flag which enables support for perf: +JPperf true. We’re also going to run our release in daemon mode so that it runs in the background. In order to do this run the following:

ERL_FLAGS="+JPperf true" _build/prod/rel/slow_server/bin/slow_server daemon

Next we want to get the process id of our application to profile.

BEAM_PID=$(_build/prod/rel/slow_server/bin/slow_server pid)

Now we are going to do the actual profiling with perf! This will output a data file containing the stack traces of our running application once we exit.

perf record -F 10000 -g -a --pid $BEAM_PID

In another terminal call our endpoints with the above curls, then return to our running perf and exit with ctrl-c. You should see some output along the lines of the following and a output in the folder the command ran in.

^C[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.092 MB (964 samples) ]

4. Flamegraphs

Now we could stop here, we’ve officially profiled our application! But instead let’s visualise this to really see what’s going on. We’re going to clone the Flamegraph repo inside of the folder you’ve created your and then run these some commands to generate the graph.

git clone
mv FlameGraph/
cd FlameGraph
perf script | ./ | ./ > flame.html

This will give use our lovely outputted Flamegraphs, which should look something like this.

Can you figure out what I set to n to from this Fibonacci flame graph?